Recently I was involved in a simulation – creating a campaign/advertisement/ focused on climate change.
That is a big problem with many aspects. In front of us there was the choice – to start something small and familiar, such as creating a campaign to promote turning off the lights when you don’t use them.
It’s a good campaign. The Earth Day is one of the most famous examples. Or we could tackle something that really resonates in us.
We decided on the latter. As a person who loves to live in the big city, it always annoys me how many cars are out there. And inside every car there is only 1 person.
This results in enormous pollution, and we all have to breathe those gases. This costs us our health and triggers diseases.
The first step to tackle a big problem is to actually care about it.
The first step to tackle a big problem is to actually care about it.
When we don’t care we won’t do the work, we won’t try to really go in dept of the issue and find a suitable solution.
After we decided that this will be the problem we were working on, we discussed why people aren’t doing it even now. There are even some apps that promote such behavior.
Having a group with a diverse background really helped to see the problem from different perspectives.
Second step we identified the current behavior. We realized that many drivers perceive their car as “their castle”, their fortress of solitude. They wouldn’t just allow strangers to enter inside.
Second step we identified the current behavior. We realized that many drivers perceive their car as “their castle”, their fortress of solitude. They wouldn’t just allow strangers to enter inside.
Third step narrow down the solution.
Third step narrow down the solution. After that we created a persona who would help us narrow our solutions, since there isn’t an universal solution for any problem.
Is our solution for everyone, definitely not, but the effort we invested and the result we received increases are great.
And that’s how you tackle a tough problem.
Aleks Vladimirov
Solution Engineering Manager at Thales | Senior IT Professional | Startup Mentor and Product Manager