I had blogged on http://aleksvladimirov.com for a while. I had even created a category called daily posts, but never started to deliver them daily. It seems impossible with my current work schedule and a lot of other activities to achieve this level of mastery.
What I would like to do is to have a short post once a day. And see what will happen at the end of the year. And this will be my challenge for 2021. The idea is to share useful information in a short and condense form.
Maybe I will delete all the posts, or maybe I will keep them to remind me of the past year.
The fear of having to deliver something of a quality every day is very scary!
But writers such as Seth Godin, have this magical touch and manage to do so with no excuse!
What is their secret?
Does it ever occurred to them to stop and do something else?
Don’t write for the machine
One of the issues with writing long posts is that many authors write for the machine. The all mighty SEO algorithm which has the power to show your post everywhere or forever hide it in the deep dark parts of the web. That is why writing and content creation had turned into a game. Instead of delivering a quality and insightful topics, many of us are forced to play by the rules of the game.
Seth Godin and his daily posts seem to be immune. He is not following this recipe, and he is not earning money from his posts. He just does it, because he enjoys writing.
Take away from day 1
Writing posts it’s easy and fun and everyone can do it daily as long as you don’t do it for money.
Every professional must know the rules of the game and deliver a quality content, no matter if it’s video, audio or daily posts.
But if you just start. You must practice your skill daily. Only then you can become a professional who will earn money from this craft.
I am looking forward to see what this challenge will bring me in 2021. Even if I decided to delete all the posts at the end of this year.

Aleks Vladimirov
Solution Engineering Manager at Thales | Senior IT Professional | Startup Mentor and Product Manager