How would you start your very first blog post?
In Software Development world, the first application that you write is hello world.
What about in the blog world, what would be the first message you would write or the first article when you start it?
At the time of writing this blog I had written 40 more articles, which for me is an amazing achievement.
I am still working hard to keep it up-to-date, and what I realize is that the biggest effort for me is to keep it consistent.
At the beginning there is this big rush of endorphin about starting something new. Overtime it slowly diminish and the work as usual takeover the need to write.
This is the trap that many aspiring bloggers felt into.
The only known cure for the lack of time to write in a blog is to write, just start. Every day for 15 minutes.
That is so simple. And if you want to build another habit, just start doing it.
Aleks Vladimirov
Solution Engineering Manager at Thales | Senior IT Professional | Startup Mentor and Product Manager