Today I was on a presentation regarding the Toyota manufacture principle.
Well somebody will say, great, what is so interesting in that?
The interesting thing was that the lecturer make a parallel to this principle and software development. The idea behind this lean philosophy is to eliminate the waste from the process. Everything has to be value driven.
This means that during the manufacture of one car or software there is necessary waste and total waste. Necessary waste means any operation that the client didn’t pay for it in a term of software development one of such waste is QA and Documentation. The client paid for the Software, but without these procedures, the program will become useless and buggy.
We should reduce everything unnecessarily and replace it with optimized processes.
We did one example where one person wrote on a white board the names of two of the participants. The order was first wrote the full name of participant #1 then of participant #2.
After that we repeated the experiment. This time the two names were written simultaneously, but this time two different participants were saying their names one letter at a time. This took twice the time to complete compare to the previous experiment.
Think about the work in your company or in your current workspace, and analyse how much it is optimized, maybe you could be inspired by the lean approach and eliminate a process that doesn’t help you.
Aleks Vladimirov
Solution Engineering Manager at Thales | Senior IT Professional | Startup Mentor and Product Manager