I see a lot of fuzz at the beginning of the year about training session for your fist 100 customers.
The odd thing is that the trainers who deliver those sessions usually don’t have 100 customers in place.
So why are we selling and buying this illusion?
Is it easier to be forever student and go training after training?
Yes, indeed. You might like to hide and have an excuse why you don’t have 100 customers!
It’s easy to go to training, unfortunately most of those training sessions are delivered from people who have no idea what they talk about.
They will share their experience, but this might not be your experience.
There disclaimer is that you have to do the work!
Maybe next time they should provide more narrowed down expectations. Who is this really for?
Is it for you who want to do the same thing as the trainer or not?
The decision is left to us and sometimes the discounts of the training let us think it is a good deal, but the fact of the matter is, it is not.
Doing the work here and now is the best deal, workshops can wait!
Aleks Vladimirov
Solution Engineering Manager at Thales | Senior IT Professional | Startup Mentor and Product Manager